Well it's official. Leslie is in heat. She's so cute running around the house in her diaper! She hates it (Gibson does too) but its just temporary and she'll get used to it. Should be breeding any day now. We've got our fingers crossed for a healthy litter! Gibson tried all day today to get her to play usuing all their toys but she felt like being lazy this Saturday. Here's a pick begging me to play! I can't resist those puppy dog eyes...
I was introduced to this photographer this afternoon and just had to share!  All dog lovers would appreciate these humorous looks at our four legged friends as they dive into pools after toys.  

Check out this article: http://shelf-life.ew.com/2012/10/23/underwater-dogs-photos/

or google diving dogs for images.  

I've been laughing all afternoon!

I thought it might be fun to chronicle Leslie's last litter.  It's been such a wonderful adventure, becoming a breeder.  The best part is getting to stay in touch with our customers (I like to call them extended family) and getting to watch our puppies grow.

Gibson and Leslie are a big part of our lives.  They are constantly keeping us on our toes, making us laugh, and bringing joy to our lives.  When Leslie had her first litter we were so amazed at how she instantly just "knew" what to do.  She gave birth with no problems and minimal help from us.  It was a long night but all the reading we'd done and the whelping box my husband had built proved It's heartwarming to see her interact with her puppies.  She cuddles them close to her, corrals them for feedings and protects them; making sure Gibson doesn't get too close.  Gibson himself is equally as wonderful with the puppies.  When they are old enough to hold their own, usually around four to five weeks old, we let them begin to play with their dad.  And he is definitely the "fun" parent.  He brings his toys for them to play with, rolls over so they can climb on him and growls playfully to get them all riled up.  

I'll definitely miss playing with all the puppies, but it is quite a an undertaking when they start to run around.  They will get into absolutely anything!  So for now, I'm incredibly excited to greet the next litter that will come into our lives!  I'm sure it will be bittersweet once it's all over. 

Stay tuned for updates~